The Coronavirus – Threat to Dentistry

The coronavirus is a poignant example of why all states should adopt dental laboratory registration and disclosure so that all dental laboratories are accountable to provide written disclosure to the dentist of material content and point of origin of all dental restorations provided to the dentist. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) says it is…

Managing the Coronavirus in a Dental Lab or Dental Practice Setting

Reprinted with permission from SafeLink Consulting, Inc. Managing the Coronavirus in a Dental Lab or Dental Practice Setting Tuesday, February 11, 2020 . posted by Gary Morgan, CDT, ASQ CQA The current outbreak of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) has generated a lot of questions from our clients on what they should be doing in their dental laboratory…

A Little Communication Goes A Long Way

A Little Communication Goes A Long Way By: Steve Killian, CDT We all know how busy the dentist and staff are in a successful practice.  As a matter of course, those practices work with successful and reputable dental laboratories.  The trend follows because of the need for expert technical assistance from the most experienced dental…