Safety and Infection Protection Guidance for Dental Laboratories and their Dental Office Clients

Q&A with Mary Borg-Bartlett and Gary D. Morgan, CDT, ASQ CQA of SafeLink Consulting, Inc. Safety of workers and patients is not an easy task in these difficult times. Dental labs must consider not only the regulatory side of protecting workers but also the practical side of how to manufacture under constraints being placed on…


Eliminating hazards from COVID-19 remains a top priority for OSHA. As workplaces reopen, OSHA will continue to ensure safe and healthy conditions for America’s working men and women and has released the following: In geographic areas where community spread of COVID-19 has significantly decreased, OSHA will return to the inspection planning policy that OSHA…

Digital vs. Analog in Removable Technology

The excitement surrounding Digital Denture Technology is escalating throughout our industry.  This technology is evolving at a rapid rate.  But without prosthodontic principles and a deep knowledge of the science behind the digital design aspect, case success will be compromised.  For years the removable side of the business has been pushed to the background and…

Digital Impressions

Due diligence is key when selecting an intraoral scanner (IOS). Value the importance of comprehensive, evidence-based evaluations to determine the most appropriate intraoral scanner for your clinical needs and practice style. Read the research, evaluate the technology, speak with colleagues and experience the different systems for yourself. Below are some of the essential considerations as…

Hybrid Denture Protocol and Procedures for Successful Case Outcome

Implant denture prosthesis utilizing hybrid technology has become increasingly more popular and successful for clinicians. But accurate and successful case planning on these types of cases includes detecting any existing patient problems before the treatment has started. We must anticipate the final outcome before the patient starts their treatment.  This includes the important collaboration between…

FDA and Dental Products

For dentists and dental laboratories, the raw materials and equipment/technology used in the delivery of dental services is regulated in some manner by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). To help dentists, dental laboratories and patients understand elements of how FDA is involved, this blog is a primer on key questions that many people…

The Coronavirus – Threat to Dentistry

The coronavirus is a poignant example of why all states should adopt dental laboratory registration and disclosure so that all dental laboratories are accountable to provide written disclosure to the dentist of material content and point of origin of all dental restorations provided to the dentist. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) says it is…